
Hibernate Schema-based Multi-Tenancy using StatementInspector

When using schema-based multi-tenancy with Hibernate, a simple way to define the schema is using a MultiTenantConnectionProvider where we call SET SCHEMA on the connection. However, this approach does not work with certain databases like MS SQL.

When using schema-based multi-tenancy with Hibernate, a simple way to define the schema is using a MultiTenantConnectionProvider where we call SET .....


Java 16 Records with JPA and jOOQ

The new Java version 16 includes a new feature: Records

The new Java version 16 includes a new feature: Records.....


Java Persistence Done Right

When it comes to accessing relational databases with Java, people usually think of two options: SQL or ORM

When it comes to accessing relational databases with Java, people usually think of two options: SQL or ORM.....


How to JOIN two Entities without Mapped Relationship

Often you don’t want to map all relationships in an entity model (a blog post about this topic in detail will follow).

Often you don’t want to map all relationships in an entity model (a blog post about this topic in detail will follow)......


JPA Inheritance Strategies

Relational databases have tables and columns and object-oriented programming languages have classes and fields but they also provide inheritance.

Relational databases have tables and columns and object-oriented programming languages have classes and fields but they also provide inheritance......


JPA Enums: Mapping Strategies and Trade-Offs

With JPA it’s possible to map Java enums to columns in a database table using the Enumerated annotation.

With JPA it’s possible to map Java enums to columns in a database table using the Enumerated annotation......
