As an experienced specialist in the Vaadin framework, I offer you personalized training – practical, clear, and entirely in German or English. From introduction to professional application, I assist you and your developers in creating robust, user-friendly, and secure web applications.

Migration made easy
I help you with migrating existing systems, such as from Vaadin 8 to Vaadin Flow.

An experienced partner
Simon Martinelli (Programming Architect & Vaadin Community Award winner) will guide you with his expertise through every challenge.


The Goals

  • You will learn how to design and develop effective and attractive full-stack Java applications using the Vaadin Framework.
  • You will become familiar with the functionality and structure of a Vaadin application.

Course Content

  • Understand Vaadin architecture and its components
  • Integrate Vaadin applications effectively into your IT landscape
  • Create user interfaces with effective layout and structure
  • Build CRUD views using the Vaadin data model and optimize forms
  • Display data formats through the DataProvider API
  • Develop robust modular applications using the Router API
  • Utilize templates to integrate JavaScript events and Polymer HTML
  • Design applications with themes, Lumo, and Shadow DOM

Target Audience

  • This course is suitable for all full-stack Java developers.


  • Good knowledge of the Java programming language and experience in web development with HTML and CSS.


The Goals

  • Vaadin best practices for data binding with Spring and security features
  • Creating regression tests with Vaadin TestBench
  • Session management and resource cleanup in the application lifecycle
  • Creating responsive CSS and implementing drag & drop to enhance user experience
  • Server-side push for real-time data updates on the client side
  • Using the Component and Element APIs, as well as Vaadin Flow tools for DOM manipulation
  • Implementing multilingual applications through localization and translation strings

Course Content

  • Understand Vaadin architecture and its components
  • Integrate Vaadin applications effectively into your IT landscape
  • Create user interfaces with effective layout and structure
  • Build CRUD views using the Vaadin data model and optimize forms
  • Display data formats through the DataProvider API
  • Develop robust modular applications using the Router API
  • Use templates to integrate JavaScript events and Polymer HTML
  • Design applications with themes, Lumo, and Shadow DOM

Target Audience

  • This course is suitable for all full-stack Java developers who want to deepen their knowledge in Vaadin development.


  • Good knowledge of the Java programming language as well as experience in web development with HTML and CSS.
  • I recommend attending my “Vaadin Basics” course.

My IT courses are tailored to your specific needs. I offer training both online and on-site – ideal for teams of 5 to 15 people.
I’d be happy to create a customized offer to suit your requirements!