Java-Full-Stack-Entwicklung mit Hilla
Der Artikel von Simon Martinelli ist in Java Spektrum 1/2023 erschienen, wo er über Java Full Stack Development mit Hilla spricht.
Spring boot, angular and JWT authentication
In preparation for a potential customer project, I had to refresh my knowledge of Angular. The best way to do that is to create a small demo application. I used Angular 15 with Spring Boot 3 and JWT to secure the REST API. Often an authorization server like Keycloak is used for authorization and token [...]
Vaadin Community Award 2022
Wieder geht ein aufregendes und interessantes Jahr zu Ende. Besonders in Sachen Vaadin hat sich viel getan!
Wie kann man moderne Web Applikationen richtig absichern?
Die mangelnde Sicherheit von Webanwendungen ist eines der Hauptprobleme in vielen Unternehmen. In diesem Artikel gehen wir auf dieses Problem ein und schlagen mögliche Lösungen vor.
Sichere Web-Applikationen mit Vaadin und Spring Boot
So gut wie alle Web Applikation Frameworks bringen eigene Sicherheitsfunktionen und ensprechende Schnittstellen zu externen Sicherheitslösungen mit.
IT Sicherheit
In diesem Artikel erörtern wir die Bedeutung der IT-Sicherheit in Unternehmen, die wichtigsten Sicherheitsbedrohungen und geben Tipps zur Minimierung der IT-Sicherheitsrisiken in Unternehmen.
Vaadin Keycloak OAuth2 Integration
Keycloak is an open source identity and access management solution. This article shows how to configure Vaadin and Spring Security to use OAuth2 with Keycloak.
Automate Docker with GitOps & Portainer
GitOps is a branch of DevOps that focuses on using git repositories to manage infrastructure and application code deployments. The main difference between the two is that in GitOps, the git repository is the source of truth for the deployment state, while in DevOps, it is the application or server configuration files.
Build Secure Web Apps with Vaadin & Spring Boot
Almost all web application frameworks include their security-relevant functions and provide the respective interfaces to external security solutions. As a Java-based full-stack framework, Vaadin is compatible with the most popular Java security solutions.
Level Up Your Vaadin Apps with Vaadin Editable Grid
Vaadin has a fantastic Grid component that also can be made editable. But the configuration of the behavior, especially if you want to use the UI with the keyboard, can be complicated. In this blog post, I show you how this can be achieved.
Beyond Angular and React: Building Web Apps with Vaadin
Single-page web applications have today practically become standard. Angular, React, and Vue.js are the best-known representatives in this category of web frameworks. But would this client architecture apply to every use case? Or are there alternatives that would better suit themselves and would be less time- and cost-consuming in development?
Vaadin BeanValidationBinder with Custom Resource Bundle
The BeanValidationBinder from Vaadin uses the default message bundle ValidationMessages from Bean Validation for translations. But often one has already a resource bundle with translations for the Vaadin application. So how can we override this resource bundle?