Adam Bien’s Podcast #99 with Simon Martinelli
Adam Bien’s episode #99 with Simon Martinelli is online. List on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or as MP3
Vaadin Tip: Lazy Loading and Item Identity
When using grids, trees or any other of multi-valued component with Vaadin you often want to display data from a database table and typically you have more than a few rows in the database. When using grids, trees or any other of multi-valued component with Vaadin you often want to display data from a database table and [...]
Vaadin Lazy Loading Techniques
When using grids, trees, or any other of the multi-valued component with Vaadin you often want to display data from a database table, and typically you have more than a few rows in the database. In this case loading, thousands or even millions of records don’t make sense and would be a huge performance problem.
Der wahre Wert von Microservices
Lesen Sie den vollständigen Artikel über Microservices von Simon Martinelli, der in Java Spectrum erschienen ist.
Type Safe SQL in Java
No matter if you are using frameworks like JPA, MyBatis or Spring Data JDBC you always end up declaring the SQL statements as a Java String. Strings, String, Strings No matter if you are using frameworks like JPA, MyBatis or Spring Data JDBC you always end up declaring the SQL statements as a Java String.The problem with this approach is [...]
Type Safe SQL in Java with jOOQ
No matter if you are using frameworks like JPA, MyBatis or Spring Data JDBC you always end up declaring the SQL statements as a Java String.
Java Persistence Done Right
When it comes to accessing relational databases with Java, people usually think of two options: SQL or ORM
Introduction to Database Migrations with Spring Boot and Flyway
If you are working with Spring Boot there are several ways to initialize the database.
Most Important Benefits of Agile Software Development
It’s no secret that agile is the methodology that software development has already moved into in a big way. It’s no secret that agile is the methodology that software development has already moved into in a big way. The idea of agile has become so popular that it is creeping into every industry and has [...]
How to JOIN two Entities without Mapped Relationship
Often you don’t want to map all relationships in an entity model (a blog post about this topic in detail will follow).
Inheritance in JPA
Relational databases have tables and columns and object-oriented programming languages have classes and fields but they also provide inheritance. Relational databases have tables and columns and object-oriented programming languages have classes and fields but they also provide inheritance. A concept that is not known in relational databases. JPA provides solutions to map inheritance to database [...]
JPA Inheritance Strategies
Relational databases have tables and columns and object-oriented programming languages have classes and fields but they also provide inheritance.