Secure and Efficient Oracle DB Setup with Spring Boot and Testcontainers
Having one user for creating database objects (DDL) and another for application-level data operations (DML) has many benefits. It improves security, keeps things organized, and[...]
CQRS meets modern Java
Developing robust yet maintainable software solutions remains at the heart of modern software development. The Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern offers an[...]
Using Oracle JSON-Relational Duality Views with Spring Boot. The ORM Killer?
Oracle Database 23ai introduced a powerful feature called JSON-Relational Duality Views. These views let you work with relational data in a document-oriented way. In this post,[...] and Neon: The Perfect Combination to Run Your Java Applications
With the right tools, deploying and managing Java applications can be straightforward and efficient. This blog post will explore how and Neon make a perfect combination for[...]
Spring boot, angular and JWT authentication
In preparation for a potential customer project, I had to refresh my knowledge of Angular. The best way to do that is to create a small demo application. I used Angular 15 with[...]
Connect App Engine to Cloud SQL
How to connect from an application running on Google Cloud App Engine to a PostgreSQL database running in Cloud SQL.
Deploy to Google Cloud App Engine with GitHub Actions
In my previous post, I was explaining how to deploy to Google Cloud. The final missing part was to deploy it automatically with GitHub actions. The authentication will be done[...]
Deploy Vaadin App to Google Cloud App Engine with Java 17
Today I tried to deploy a Vaadin application to Google Cloud App Engine It was not as straightforward as expected so I want to share my findings.
How to use jOOQ with Testcontainers, and Flyway
When using a database the question is how to manage the versions of the schema and how to use the database in testing. Container technologies became a defacto standard. Why not[...]
Visualize Message Flow with Vaadin & Neo4j
Analyzing and visualizing the message flow between business functions was the goal of my current project. At first, we considered using a UML tool for this job, but we came to the[...]
Vaadin and jOOQ – a Match Made in Heaven
Have you ever had to write an application that didn’t do much other than display and change data? And did you use a Single Page Application framework like Angular, a REST API,[...]
Vaadin Lazy Loading Techniques
When using grids, trees, or any other of the multi-valued component with Vaadin you often want to display data from a database table, and typically you have more than a few rows[...]