Trainings for Java Developers

The IT world is constantly evolving – technologies advance, and new innovations shape daily work. My custom IT courses for software developers are hands-on and specifically designed to refresh and expand your knowledge.

I offer tailored training sessions that help you better understand technologies and trends, enabling you to navigate modern development environments with confidence.

An Overview of My Training Offerings

  • Architecture and Design of Microservices Applications
  • Enterprise Application Integration with Apache Camel
  • Self-Contained Systems Architecture
  • Java Microservices Development with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Your Benefits of My IT Training:

In my courses, you and your developers will learn how to create web applications faster, more effectively, and with better user experience.

  • Reduced development effort: Shorter development times and less time spent through more efficient error management.

  • Higher user satisfaction: An optimized user experience increases acceptance among end users.

  • More efficient work: Faster achievement of goals through intuitive solutions.

  • Long-term reduced effort: A well-thought-out architecture simplifies work during the production phase for your IT department.

How Can My Java Development Courses Help You and Your Team?

My courses help you and your team quickly and efficiently develop modern, user-friendly, and most importantly, effective web applications – not just at the code level, but also at the architecture and design stages.

I am flexible: The courses can be customized to meet your team’s needs – in terms of schedule, number of participants, and course content. For the best experience, I recommend a participant count of between five and fifteen people. Online courses are also available.

What Is the Goal of My Courses?

With my courses, I provide you as a Java developer with the knowledge and tools to create engaging enterprise web applications for any purpose. I explain the principles and fundamentals of the respective architectures and introduce you to the appropriate tools and frameworks.

Additionally, you will gain valuable insights, tips, and best practices based on my years of experience.

Who Are My Training Programs Designed For?

My IT trainings are aimed at Java developers and teams who want to expand their knowledge in Java development. If you want to work on modern, effective, and user-friendly web applications, I provide hands-on strategies, technologies, and proven methods for successful projects. Book now and strengthen your team’s skills!

Simon Martinelli

He teaches architecture and design of distributed systems, microservices, Spring Framework and Spring Boot, object-relational mapping with Hibernate, DevOps, and persistence technologies in Bachelor of Science and continuing education courses at the Bern University of Applied Sciences.

As a Vaadin Community Award winner, he is an expert in modern web applications. He can effectively transfer his extensive knowledge to your team, enabling them to successfully tackle new challenges.

Oracle Pro
Vaadin Community Award