Secure and Efficient Oracle DB Setup with Spring Boot and Testcontainers
Having one user for creating database objects (DDL) and another for application-level data operations (DML) has many benefits. It improves security, keeps things organized, and[...]
Using Oracle JSON-Relational Duality Views with Spring Boot. The ORM Killer?
Oracle Database 23ai introduced a powerful feature called JSON-Relational Duality Views. These views let you work with relational data in a document-oriented way. In this post,[...]
Testing Spring Boot JMS with ActiveMQ Artemis and Testcontainers
Currently, I’m teaching JMS with Spring Boot at the University of Applied Science in Bern, Switzerland. We use Apache ActiveMQ Artemis as the JMS message broker. But how can[...]
How to use jOOQ with Testcontainers, and Flyway
When using a database the question is how to manage the versions of the schema and how to use the database in testing. Container technologies became a defacto standard. Why not[...]