Build Master-Detail App with Hilla
In this post, I’ll explain how to use the web application framework Hilla to create a master-detail view with a Grid to display the data and a Form to edit the data.
How to use jOOQ with Testcontainers, and Flyway
When using a database the question is how to manage the versions of the schema and how to use the database in testing. Container technologies became a defacto standard. Why not[...]
Web Accessibility with Vaadin
When you create a product, you naturally want as many people as possible to use it. However, some people have to be enabled to use it first, namely by making the product[...]
Visualize Message Flow with Vaadin & Neo4j
Analyzing and visualizing the message flow between business functions was the goal of my current project. At first, we considered using a UML tool for this job, but we came to the[...]
Vaadin and jOOQ – a Match Made in Heaven
Have you ever had to write an application that didn’t do much other than display and change data? And did you use a Single Page Application framework like Angular, a REST API,[...]
News from Vaadin!
The good folks at Vaadin are constantly hard at work! The developer of the well-known Java application framework of the same name has announced two important changes! From Vaadin[...]
Vaadin Community Award
Simon Martinelli is one of the first Vaadin Community Award winners
Software Architecture in Agile Development Projects
As advocates of agility, we could see this common definition of software architecture as potentially problematic.
Recording of Vaadin Dev Day Spring 2021
I had the pleasure to speak at the Vaadin Dev Day about “High-performance data access with Vaadin”.
Making the Case for Digital Renovation
Are you working for an enterprise that utilizes outdated software? Are you working for an enterprise that utilizes outdated software? Old software, or legacy systems, pose threats[...]
Java 16 Records with JPA and jOOQ
The new Java version 16 includes a new feature: Records
Five Ways to Tell It’s Time to Break Up with Your Legacy System
When it comes to business operations, it’s easy to get comfortable in the status quo. When it comes to business operations, it’s easy to get comfortable in the status quo.[...]