Securing Vaadin Applications with One-Time Token
Logging into an application should be simple for users but still safe and secure. Traditional logins with usernames and passwords work, but they can be inconvenient and sometimes[...]
Secure and Efficient Oracle DB Setup with Spring Boot and Testcontainers
Having one user for creating database objects (DDL) and another for application-level data operations (DML) has many benefits. It improves security, keeps things organized, and[...]
How do you get a Spring Bean without Dependency Injection?
Sometimes, you want to use a Spring Bean in a class that is not a Spring Bean, but then dependency injection doesn’t work. This article shows a way to get around that limitation.
Durable Subscription with JMS and Spring Boot
When using the publish-subscribe domain with JMS we often want to use durable subscriptions. But how can this be done with Spring Boot?
Testing Spring Boot JMS with ActiveMQ Artemis and Testcontainers
Currently, I’m teaching JMS with Spring Boot at the University of Applied Science in Bern, Switzerland. We use Apache ActiveMQ Artemis as the JMS message broker. But how can[...]
Spring boot, angular and JWT authentication
In preparation for a potential customer project, I had to refresh my knowledge of Angular. The best way to do that is to create a small demo application. I used Angular 15 with[...]
Vaadin Keycloak OAuth2 Integration
Keycloak is an open source identity and access management solution. This article shows how to configure Vaadin and Spring Security to use OAuth2 with Keycloak.
Build Secure Web Apps with Vaadin & Spring Boot
Almost all web application frameworks include their security-relevant functions and provide the respective interfaces to external security solutions. As a Java-based full-stack[...]
How to use jOOQ with Testcontainers, and Flyway
When using a database the question is how to manage the versions of the schema and how to use the database in testing. Container technologies became a defacto standard. Why not[...]
Visualize Message Flow with Vaadin & Neo4j
Analyzing and visualizing the message flow between business functions was the goal of my current project. At first, we considered using a UML tool for this job, but we came to the[...]